Discussion: Tekijyys ja esiintyjyys videorunoudessa

This event will be in Finnish only.

Video poets Jonne Piltonen and Kirsi-Marja Moberg discuss with author Jarno Alastalo the production of poetry videos and the possibilities the video format offers. The discussion will explore how performance manifests in video poetry, the impact of spoken word poetry on authorship, and what the future of video poetry might hold. The event highlights video poetry as a multidisciplinary genre and opens up its possibilities from the creators’ perspective. The audience will also have the opportunity to participate in the discussion. The poetry videos by Piltonen, Moberg from the Ouro collective, and Alastalo will be presented during the discussion.


Permantosali, 1. krs
Tekstin talo
Lintulahdenkatu 3
00530 Helsinki