Today’s Poems

Contemporary Finnish Poetry Performed in Finnish by Recitation Artists: Tiinaliisa Multamäki, Lilja Puro, and Leena Sainio

The traditional “Today’s Poems” event by the Suomen Lausujain Liitto ry (Finnish Reciters’ Association) showcases Finnish poetry collections published in 2023. The program features the latest works of nearly thirty contemporary poets, as well as a few classics that have been reissued in 2023. This approximately one-hour-long presentation has been curated this year by recitation artist Tiinaliisa Multamäki and actress Kirsi-Kaisa Sinisalo.

The event is free to attend.


Keskustakirjasto Oodi, Saarikoski-matto
Töölönlahdenkatu 4
00100 Helsinki