Text Laboratory’s Live Publication: Luutuu

“Luutuu” is a live publication created as part of the residency program pilot of the Text Laboratory project, run by the House of Text. Text Laboratory is a project that develops the forms and possibilities of text culture. Residency pilot took place in July 2024.

The “Luutuu” publication is a live event that takes place in time and place and disappears into it.

Contributors: Maarit Bau Mustonen, Tania Nathan, Olga Spyropoulou & Taneli Viljanen

Editor-in-chief: Heidi Backström
Publisher: House of Text

Reading time: 1h, we recommend staying for the entire time, the publication is an entity. The publication contains participatory parts, but each reader can define the limits of their participation themselves.

Event is organized by the House of Text.


Permantosali, 1. krs, Tekstin talo, Lintulahdenkatu 3, Helsinki