Discussion: Kritiikin monet muodot

This event will be in Finnish only.

What forms can critique take? Does critique abandon its task as it reflects on its form – or even experiments with it? Can experimental critique grasp something out of reach for more conventional critique?

Experimental and experimentative critique does not have to be written; it can also reach towards visual expression, get up on stage, or share the same space with art.

The discussion deals with the possible and impossible forms of critique. The panel discussion is joined by poet and head editor of Tuli&Savu poetry magazine, Atte Koskinen, and head editor of Runografi magazine, Laura Kärkäs. The conversation is moderated by literary critic Maaria Ylikangas.

The conversation will be in Finnish language.


Kirjataivas, 3. krs
Helsingin keskustakirjasto Oodi
Töölönlahdenkatu, Helsinki, Suomi