Poetry Concert: Seikka

Tickets for Poetry Concert Seikka ⇒
NVL members 15€
Normal price 25€

Seikka is a performance series that combines various art forms. The first Seikka explores the themes of myth, war, and encounter, weaving together recited poems and improvised music. Seikka is curated by composer Olli Moilanen in collaboration with the Nuoren Voiman Liitto.


Olli Moilanen is an award-winning contemporary composer from Helsinki who collaborates with domestic contemporary authors. In recent years, Moilanen’s music has been premiered by Sinfonia Lahti, Helsinki Chamber Choir, defunensemble, American Modern Ensemble, and violinist Maria Puusaari.

Libero Mureddu is a pianist, improviser, composer, and music technology expert living in Helsinki. He was born in Milan in 1975 and studied composition at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan and music technology at the Sibelius Academy. Mureddu is currently preparing his doctoral thesis at the Sibelius Academy Doctoral School.

Teemu Mustonen is an improvising percussionist who has settled in Helsinki. He explores the possibilities of the drum set and its preparation in solo and ensemble contexts and performs extensively in various ensembles and projects.


Veera Antsalo is a Helsinki-based poet who has published four poetry collections and one novel. Her latest poetry collection Nimetön (Teos 2024) deals with the ends of the world, the relationship with nature, and getting things done and out of it.

Yevgeniy Breyger was born in 1989 in Kharkov, Ukraine, and moved to Germany in 1999, where he studied cultural journalism, literature, and curation. He works as a freelance writer and has taught poetry, artist book making, and social sciences. Since 2023, Breyger has lived in Vienna, Austria. He has published several works, most recently Frieden Ohne Krieg (kookbooks, 2023). The translator of the poetry series to be performed, Suvi Valli, will perform with Breyger.

Milka Luhtaniemi is a poet and multidisciplinary artist who works at the intersections of literature, visual arts, and performing arts, and recently also in musical contexts. Her second poetry collection Tauoton (Gummerus 2024) writes open the continuous movement of language and body renewal. Central to Luhtaniemi’s thinking is the meditative combination of different body flows and emotions with spatial observations.

In collaboration with