Runokuu tickets on sale from August 1st – now available also a festival pass

The three magnificent evening clubs of Runokuu have an entrance fee, and ticket sales for these events will begin on August 1 and continue as long as tickets are available. This year, there is also a new Runokuu festival pass, which covers all three events at a more affordable combined price. The festival pass will be on sale for a limited time from August 1 to 18, 2024. You can buy tickets & and the the festival pass here.

NVL members pay less for individual club tickets and the festival pass. It’s easy to become a member at Members also get discounts on our courses, review services, and subscriptions to the Nuori Voima magazine. Additionally, they can take advantage of our membership benefits at various bookstores and theaters.

Welcome to the clubs!

The multidisciplinary festival’s Poemszz evening on August 22 offers a blend of genre-defying jazz and poetry interaction. The duo Josefiina Vannesluoma & The Mortal Lease, consisting of singer-composer Josefiina Vannesluoma and pianist Mikael Myrskog, will interpret the rapture of Emily Wharton’s century-old poems.

The Poetry Mixtape evening on August 24, which pushes the boundaries of performance poetry and poetry performances, brings unique performance art pieces and poetry from intriguing international names to the stage. Performing will be the collective Hast x Kajo x Räty x Vallila, Iiris Laisi & co. with “Lemmestä lemmelle,” as well as poets Anja Erämaja, Jere Vartiainen, Orane Thibaud (Canada), and Fatemeh Ekhtesari (Iran/Norway).

The poetry concert Seikka on August 25 addresses myth, war, and encounters, and it weaves together spoken poetry and improvised music. Seikka is curated by composer Olli Moilanen in collaboration with Nuoren Voiman Liitto. Performing will be musicians Olli Moilanen, Libero Mureddu, and Teemu Mustonen, along with poets Veera Antsalo, Yevgeniy Breyger (Ukraine), Milka Luhtaniemi, and Suvi Valli.

The screening of Mika Taanila and Harry Salmenniemi’s film “Epäonnistunut tyhjyys,” organized in collaboration with Espoo Ciné at Kino Tapiola, also requires a ticket. Ticket sales will be handled through Espoo Ciné’s ticketing, with tickets available from Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at

Extensive Free Program

Runokuu’s program includes a wide range of free events. For example, discussions on current dimensions of literature held at the Central Library Oodi are free to attend. It is also possible to enjoy high-quality poetry and literature programs for free at Tekstin talo. Detailed information about Runokuu’s free programs can be found here.


We have reserved a batch of festival passes for the media. Ticket requests should be sent to Runokuu’s communication addresses and .