
Runokuu / Poetry Moon Literature Festival delights poetry lovers in Helsinki and its outskirts every August.

Runokuu is organized by Nuoren Voiman Liitto in collaboration with numerous partners. Ticket sales for the events start in August, more information about the programme at

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About the Festival

Runokuu /Poetry Moon is one of the largest poetry festivals in the Nordic countries. It has taken place in Helsinki annually since 2005, gathering both Finnish and international poets and poetry lovers to the Baltic sea in late August. The festival consists of late night poetry clubs, poetic and interdisclipinary performances, literature related art exhibitions as well as deep-diving discussions into the place of poetry in the world. Each festival has a unique theme, which serves as a conversation starter and inspiration for our varied programme.

We aim to push experimental, marginal and young poets and poetics into the forefront, without forgetting the importance of roots and traditions. Every year we also invite several international guests to perform at the festival. This international atmosphere broadens the perspectives of Finnish poetry and helps create lasting bonds between poetry scenes all around the world.

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