Libero Mureddu

Born in Milan in 1975 and based in Helsinki since 2003, Libero Mureddu has studied composition at the Conservatory “G. Verdi” of Milan and music technology at the Centre for Music and Technology, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki. He is currently doing his artistic doctorate at the MuTri Doctoral School at the Sibelius Academy.  In his research, Libero Mureddu investigates the role of embodied knowledge in a free improvisation performance, and how this knowledge can be observed, analysed, and used to develop free improvisation languages. Libero Mureddu’s doctorate is generously supported by the Kone Foundation.

A versatile musician, during the past twenty years his vast musical experiences in the European scene have ranged from contemporary and experimental music, to jazz and popular music. Since 2017, he regularly visits Berlin to perform with the local improvisation scene. His current artistic profile is as a pianist-improviser-composer.

His current artistic practice intersects between free improvisation languages, composition, algorithms, to create innovative, unexpected and challenging performative frameworks. His first two doctoral concerts, ‘Joy Against the Machine’ and ‘Sonic Avatars’ have been praised for their original and innovative blend of improvisation, algorithmic composition, and computer-controlled visuals.

Since 2009 Libero Mureddu is the intendant of the NYKY Ensemble, the contemporary music ensemble of the Sibelius Academy. The NYKY Ensemble is nowadays considered as an important member of the Finnish contemporary music scene.

Active as a teacher, he teaches contemporary free and electroacoustic improvisation at the Sibelius Academy. Libero Mureddu is the Sibelius Academy’s representative of the METRIC (Modernising European Higher Music Education through Improvisation) project, a cooperative forum between several European conservatoires that focuses on curriculum development and cooperation in the field of improvisation in higher music education.