Poetry Mixtape

Poetry Mixtape decorates Poetry Moon’s Saturday evening with a polyphonic dose of poetry from Finland and abroad, presented spoken and otherwise. The event is supported by Versopolis.

Hast x Kajo x Räty x Vallila: pause

A pause implies that something might continue. A pause can end now or at another time. A pause separates parts from each other and binds them together again. A pause creates a rhythm and then breaks it. A pause doesn’t necessarily signal an end, but it could. A pause alters meanings and defines them. There are pauses and breaks and pauses. On stage Susanna Hast, Irene Kajo, Mikko Räty and Petra Vallila.

Gentle to Gentleness

Occasionally amorous and gentle, this trio is composed of frustrated artists and activists who have been marinated in several prestigious art institutions. Alongside being a poet, Iiris Laisi is a professional dancer, while Kaisamaija Uljas and Eugenie van der Meulen are baroque musicians. All members of the trio have roots and branches in the world of art and activism, and everything in between.

Anja Erämaja

Anja Erämaja is an award-winning poet who lives in Helsinki. Erämaja was born in Merimasku, in the Naantali archipelago. Her latest work, Joku menee aina ensin, was published in 2024. The work is raw, visceral talk about death, in the midst of life.

Jere Vartiainen: Etäisyys, leikki

A poetry performance based on the work “Etäisyys, leikki” (Distance, Play). The work examines the theme of insecurity in relationships and the quest for connection with others: How can one form a relationship with another if social situations are experienced as survival?

Orane Thibaud: poems, poème

Montreal-based poet Orane Thibaud will present her work in English and in French.

Fatemeh Ekhtesari

Fatemeh Ekhtesari is a poet, midwife, feminist and activist who has fled from Iran to Norway. Read more about Ekhtesari on her introduction page! 
Ekhtesari appears at Runokuu with the support of Versopolis.


In collaboration with



Tekstin talo, Lintulahdenkatu 3, 00530 Helsinki