Runokuu / Poetry Moon 2023 – festival programme is here

Runokuu 2023 takes place on August 24.-27. at Tiivistämö, Helsinki. A poetry exhibition of seven artists called ”Kottaraiset, tragediat” will be shown in Yö Galleria from August 17 to August 27. 

International guests of this year’s festival are poet Elo Viiding (Estonia), Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir (Iceland) and Anthony Vahni Capildeo (Trinidad-Tobago/The UK) whose visit is supported by Versopolis Network, and author Susanne Stephan (Germany). We will also be visited by the British indie publishing house Bent Key. 

On the website there are English descriptions of the events that will be entirely or partly in English or can be enjoyed regardless of language. To see the whole programme with Finnish-language events, visit the Finnish version of the programme page. There will be some additions and updates to the program during the summer.